January 26, 2009

200,000 Nigerian children die every year from pneumonia

Sunday 25 January

200,000 Nigerian children die annually from pneumonia, experts report. This situation isn’t normal as smaller countries from Asia or even Africa have already included the vaccine for this disease in their programme for immunization.
The vaccine called the Hib vaccine is now fully-working, « The Hib vaccine is safe, effective and available now, but Nigeria has not started to use it. Many other African countries have adopted the Hib vaccine, and have prevented child deaths from pneumonia. » Said Prof. William Ogala, president of the Pediatric Association of Nigeria. He is currently trying to make the federal government implement the vaccine in the Immunization programme but the officials say the vaccine is too expensive. But he thinks it’s a fake excuse, the Nigerian nation is rich enough to implement the vaccine. He says: “Nigeria has not introduced the Hib vaccine probably because its officials felt it was too expensive but the country has no excuse not to use it for its children.”
Opinion: Personally I believe the Nigerian government thinks too much about money and not enough about his people. The leaders of the country are all more or less bundled in the corruption system and all they think about is money and profits. They should do more for their people.
200.000 enfants nigérians meurent chaque année de pneumonie
Dimanche 25 Janvier

Des experts rapportent que 200.000 enfants nigérians meurent annuellement de pneumonie. Cette situation semble peu compréhensible alors que des pays plus petits d’Afrique et d’Asie ont déjà inclus le vaccin dans leur programme d’immunisation.
Pour le professeur William Ogala, président de l’association pédiatrique du Nigéria: « Le vaccin Hib est sûr, efficace et disponible aujourd’hui, mais le Nigéria ne l’utilise toujours pas. Beaucoup d’autres pays africains ont adopté le vaccin Hib et ont sauvé des enfants de la mort.». Aujourd’hui il tente de convaincre le gouvernement fédéral d’inclure le vaccin dans le programme d’immunisation mais il lui est répondu que le vaccin est trop cher.
Ogala pense que c’est une fausse excuse, que le Nigéria est assez riche pour acheter le vaccin.
Opinion: Personnellement je crois que le gouvernement Nigérien pense trop à l’argent et pas assez à sa population. Les dirigeants du pays sont tous plus ou moins impliqués dans le système de corruption et ils n’agissent que pour satisfaire leurs propres intérêts.

Source : The Guardian Newspaper, Nigeria